Plan a Mission Trip
A mission trip to Belize, Central America is truly a wonderful experience. You will never feel closer to God than when you are looking in the face of people living in a third world country; especially in the faces of the children. People without hope, without jobs, without food, without clothing and shoes, without the ability to read or write; but with the ability to hear you tell them about the hope and peace they can only get through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. You can do that; you can share your Lord with these hurting and lost people every day on the mission field. Don’t miss this blessing and wonderful opportunity to serve outside your comfort zone; outside your familiar surroundings but inside and fulfilling the Great Commission; Matthew 28:19; Go and make disciples of all nations.
Mission Team Opportunities: Village Evangelism, Door to Door Evangelism, Village Bible Story Day, Bible School Week, Painting Schools, Minor construction in schools or village homes, school sponsorship program (in July and August with Hearts of Christ teams), tutoring in H.O.P.E. Christian Learning Center or schools, building outhouses, village feedings, medical team opportunities (must have approval from Minister of Health; three months in advance of trip), computer training classes, sewing classes… opportunities are endless!
Group costs vary depending on size of group and type of mission; email Hearts of Christ Children's Ministry for more information or call 423-312-4466.